Characters can be loads of fun to create, or they can be downright stubborn when it comes to revealing themselves. It is quite difficult to develop a story without really knowing who the characters are, their backgrounds, motives, quirks, and interpersonal style. Without clearly defined characters it is easy to use them as pawns in your plot without regard to consistancy, or realistic interactions, a thing most annoying to readers who may feel they know your characters better than you do. Mushy, unrefined characters can allow readers to imagine themselves more easily as the hero or heroin, but in the end are not very memorable or captivating. It is also easy to use stereotypes to an extent that characters become too predictable and flat, which may be alright for side characters but is never as interesting as a more fully developed person, even if our encounter is only brief. It is essential to take the time to get to know your characters so you don't find yourself fighting against them as the story unfolds. Following, is a wealth of questions to ask about your characters while trying to draw them out and get a handle on who they are and what they would do or say.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Types of Fantasy Novel Characters

What role does your character play in the story? The roles listed below are not exclusively played by the races indicated in the names.

The Wizard
Possessing deep knowlege and vast magical ability, you are concerned with keeping track of the world and it’s workings (preferably from the comfort of your private study) and making sure that nothing goes terribly wrong. You tend to be a loner because you have better things to do and think about than socializing. Fiercely independant and self-reliant, you often work tirelessly behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. With your intuition, love of study, and determination to understand things, you usually know the truth about everything. Although you may be a walking encyclopedia you usually only share your knowledge on a ‘need to know’ basis. You have a tendancy to be secretive and hard to read, and don’t like to tell others what you are up to. You like to keep your own schedual and your own council, and don’t allow others to control you, though you don’t have any trouble telling others what to do. You have a way of taking on the role of mentor and guide and are good at finding people with hidden tallents and bringing out the hero in them. In spite of your hidden soft spot for the hapless folk around you, you tend to be easily annoyed by inturruptions of your thought and the stupid questions or antics of the less intelligent. Pride and desire for power may be your downfall, but you are too wise to let yourself be overcome by them. While an integral part of the story, you don’t like to take center stage, prefering to instigate an adventure, then disappear and pop up here and there when you’re needed. You do often end up with a significant role in the climax of the plot.

The Unexpected Hero
You have grown up in lowly, boring, or adverse circumstances while always dreaming of something more interesting for yourself. You are most likely an orphan, and have had a rough time socially, being teased or bullied by step-siblings and peers. In spite of all this ill-use, you have a kind and noble heart. You find animal friends a comfort in place of friends or family. You have a sense of being different from others, though you may not know why, and although you’d like to have friends, you also have a kind of secret pride in being different. You like yourself and just wish others could see that you are valuable. When you suddenly find out that you actually are special, that you have some secret past and unique abilities, you feel both excited and terrified. You have a thirst to prove your worth, but don’t really feel up to the task set before you. Yet your honor prevents you from turning away from your destiny, and your small love for your current life allows you to leave with few regrets and make a new start for yourself. You stumble through your adventure, making things up as you go, relying on the help of others, striving to do your best, and searching for yourself and the competance and confidence you lacked in the beginning. Your weakness and your strength is your love for and faith in your friends. You are trusting and loyal and no matter what the cost you won’t leave a comrade (even one you don’t like) in peril. When it comes down to it, though you may fail in many ways, your noble heart doesn’t fail you and you eventually prove yourself brave and strong in spite of everything.

The Damsel in Distress
You are beautifull, sweet, and delicate, yet you have a quiet strength and a hopefull patience as you endure the times of trial that you are subjected to. You don’t give in to the evil people who enprison and torment you, retaining your kind heart and childlike joy, even if they are subdued for the time being. You take comort in the companionship of animals since you are isolated from anyone who could be your friend. Because you know what pain is, you have a tender heart for others in need, and whenever you can you help them. You may even have pity on those who hurt you because they can’t see and appreciate the simple joys in life. Whether your situation is severe or mild, you have a sense that your tallents are being stiffled, that you could be so much more if you had better circumstances. You await rescue and dream of the day when you will be free to enjoy life and realise your potential. When the opportunity for escape comes, while you must rely on others to rescue you, you may have to put in some extra effort yourself which you didn’t know you were capable of. You will probably learn that you aren’t quite as helpless as you believed yourself to be. After being freed from your oppressive circumstances, your strengths begin to shine, as you support and encourage those around you. Ultimately, it is your love and beliefe in the hero of the story that will give him the extra strength and determination he needs to triumph against all odds.

The Elf
Tall, slenter, skilled, and aloof you bring both a sense of beauty and mystery to the band of heros. Unlike the Fairies who remain detached from the world in their private realm, your wisdom and insight leads you to take direct action against the evil that threatens to destroy the world. You have a deep attachment to the forrest and trees, and will go to great lengths to preserve the natural beauty of the world in which you live. While your home may be more sheltered and guarded than most places, you realise that it too could eventually be overcome if you turn a blind eye to spreading evil, and thus you gear up and set out to stop it. You have hundreds of years of insight and experience to draw from, and you may intimidate your mortal comrads a bit, but even if you have trouble relating to them, you have a noble heart and a knack for helping others see the beauty and joy in the world around them. Music and art come naturally to you and you may find yourself absentmindedly singing or making small things of beauty to help lift your spirits along the way. Even in the midst of battle your every action is gracefull and executed with ease. You are highly intuitive, often sensing danger or unraveling riddles before anyone else in the group. You are an exceptionally good scout having sharp senses to match your intuition. Your sense of honor and beliefe that good must triumph keeps you going through dark times, and it is usually you out of all your companions, with your connection to the power of the earth itself, who is able to summon that extra bit of endurance, that extra burst of magic when it looks like defeat is at hand. Thus you are able to bring new hope and spark a seccond wind for the forces of good.

The Dwarf
You probably resent having to go on this adventure, but if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, and you’re not about to leave things up to these bumbling Humans, unpredictable Wizards, and airy-fairy Elves. You are, after all, the most down-to-earth sensible person involved, and you have a nagging sense of duty and responcibility that you just can’t shake no matter how much you’d like to go back to your mountain and ignore the rest of the world. You are good at coming up with practical solutions, and are usually the one to notice and point out a problem, as well as the most obvious way to solve it. You push for decisions to be made and action to be taken, and don’t like having to put up with people who don’t take things seriously, waste time, and stop to smell the roses every 10 feet. You are steady, resliable, determined, and loyal, even if you are stubborn and have a short temper. You tend not to show your emotion much and aren’t very talkative While being very skilled with your hands, you appreciate craftsmanship that is sturdy and functional, and have distaste for useless things like poetry or daisy-chains. You tend to be suspicious, skeptical, and pessimistic, but you nevertheless have the endurance to keep going even when things look hopeless; you’re used to expecting the worst but when has that ever stopped you?

The Minstrell
You have wanderlust and enjoy life on the road. You don’t really have a home, and don’t have a lot of posessions. You are comfortable in taverns, relying on the hospitality of others, and camping on the side of the road, and you may have a tallent for sleeping anywhere. You’ve seen many places and have many stories to tell. You don’t necessarily want to get caught up in adventures yourself, prefering to sing about other people’s famous deeds by firelight, but adventure has a knack for finding you anyways and you’ve learned a few tricks along the way to help you survive. You like people, and enjoy chatting and hearing their stories. You’re always gathering new stories to share with others and have a tendancy to embellish the truth. You are very expressive and love exaggeration and drama. You relish finding the right words and expressions, and enjoy retelling stories over and over to new audiences. You love being in the spotlight and enjoy having an audience in your grasp, seeing their faces responding to your words as you make them laugh or tremble with fear. You have a definate knack with words as well as an intuitive ability to read people and know just what to say to get the reaction you’re looking for, whether your telling a story, or trying to manipulate others. Your words are your weapons, and you use your people skills and stories to earn your living, and sometimes even save the day. While you may have a hint of snooty pride in knowing so much about the world and people, you also believe that life shouldn’t be taken too seriously and enjoy making jokes and fooling around to lighten the mood. Your tendancy to exaggerate may bleed over into maintaining a front of being much more capable than you ctually are and you may find yourself struggling to keep up with the tall tales you tell about yourself. You don’t like to stay in one place for too long, and while you’re great at talking with people and making friends, you don’t like to get too involved for fear of being tempted to ‘settle down.’

The Royal Snob
You are the person that people would rather not have along but feel obligated to respect and tollerate. You have credentials or pedigrees, and it’s gone to your head. You are a know-it-all, bossy, and stubborn. You insist on taking the lead even when you’re outside your own territory of expertise. You have a desire for power, and struggle with being corrupted by this. You are the snake in everyone’s midst that no one can trust, but they have to put up with. You can’t get outside your head and look at things from anyone else’s perspective, and are for the most part self-centered, even if you don’t realise it. All vices aside, you do have abilities that no one can deny are usefull, and you always do your best to perform your tasks well. Your pride demands that you do your best and prove your worth. You often have the means and supplies to outfit your band of companions and feel great satisfaction in being able to fill those needs. You like to feel needed and important. In your mind you can’t see why people have to argue with you all the time. You fully believe you know what is best to do in any circumstance, and take pride in your sense of responcibility to see that that happens. You believe yourself to have honorable motives, whether or not you realise your struggle with temptations and resentment of others who are better liked or more respected. You are bold, confident, brave, and tend to barge in wherever important discussions are happening and quickly take over administration. Sometimes this wins you some witty lines and the quick submission of bad guys. Underneath your bold front you have issues with insecurity, and can act emotionally immature, and prone to self-pity. In the end you do grow a bit, and the other characters come to appreciate you in spite of your overbearing ways. You are likely to be one of the expendible characters, sometimes earning the fame and honor you seek by going out in a blaze of glory.

The Ranger
You are a seasoned warrior and seasoned traveler with a mysterious past you don’t like to talk about. You’ve seen a lot of action, been to places that others only know from hearsay, have some impressive scars, and know a lot of practical survival tips. You know the best paths, the best places to stay, who to trust, who not to, and how to deal with just about anyone or anything you may meet on the road. When you meet up with the hero it’s probably partly by happenstance, but it’s no real surprise because you tend to end up involving yourself in important happenings. Wherever there is evil to fight back, you are willing to add your sword to the fray. You’re only limited in your ability to help by the fact that there’s only one of you and you have to make up for all the bungles of others. You often have the sense that people expect you to be the hero even if you aren’t really the ‘chosen one’ and frankly, you’re afraid you may have to be if the newbie hero doesn’t shape up soon. Willing to commit a more constant presence than the Wizard, you take up the everyday training of the inexperienced hero, often setting aside your own plans to help make sure this important quest doen’t fail. You inevitably take on the role of guide, and being more action than word oriented, you lead by example. You have high expectations for others because you are used to your own company and you are terribly competant. Others frequently have trouble keeping up with you and you have to urge them to push themselves to do what needs to be done. You probably don’t have any family to speak of, and due to your lack of attachments anywhere, feel the duty falls to you if any crazy risks or self-sacrificing has to take place. However, you probably manage to survive anyways.

The Plucky Female
You are no damsel in distress. You can take care of yourself, and pride yourself on your independance and resourcefullness. You’ve always been a tomboy and have little interest in the typical womanly persuits. You may not look like much, but you’ve been trained in combat, magic, woodcraft, or other usefull abilities. You are practical and willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goal. You know you can be of practical help and will not allow yourself to be confined to the sidelines. You aren’t squeamish about much, and you put on an extra bold face so that the men won’t start to doubt you. You may be a little bit bossy or sassy, but your heart is in the right place and you genuinely have fun playing rough & tumble with the boys. However, you don’t ignore your feminine side entirely. In spite of not liking people to get too emotional, you usually have insight into your comrades feelings and secrets and are probably good at finding tactfull ways of keeping them in harmony with eachother. Where the Damsel may fail in relating to guys, you ‘get’ them and know just how to encourage or motivate them. You care fiercely for your companions and don’t try to hide your motherly side, although you make sure everyone knows that it makes you stronger rather than soft. You may enjoy showing up some of the over-confident men, and you may sometimes hurt them without knowing it. You can turn on the womanly allure when a little manipulation is needed, and always prove a valueable member to the team because of your women-specific privilages, insights, or tallents, as well as your more ‘manly’ skills.

The Whatsit
No one is sure exactly what you are, and neither are you. Partly animal, partly sentient side-kick, you offer the main character both companionship and a constant source of annoyance. You are endearing in a strange way, even though you have a knack for creating disaster. The main characters always feel obligated to save you, even if it puts their entire quest in jeapordy. Being only partly sentient, you realise the trouble you cause only when it’s severe, and even then you don’t really understand what’s at stake. You want to be brave, but are usually cowardly and run off in the face of battle. You have a way of coming and going whenever you please, which may lead people to distrust you and suspect that you are double-crossing them. Which you may in fact do because of cowardice, or being dimwitted. You probably know a bit more about the woods than humans, though you may not know how to clearly impart your knowledge other than expecting your companions to follow your lead when you beckon to them. You often take the role of comic reliefe, but from time to time you prove quite valuable through your ability to find food, scout, move silently through the woods, climb or dig, disappear and reappear at just the right moments, and possibly even sacrifice yourself.

The Defector
You have a very dark past, having lived in the heart of bad-guy territory, trained up to be a dark warrior, and brainwashed to be evil and hate goodguys. However, in the face of cruelty and abandonment by your fellow henchmen, and the unexpected kindness of the heros you begin to soften towards them, and wonder if perhaps you’ve been wrong all this time. You may feel obligated to return a favor to them, even if you never actually join their side. Sometims the same as the Whatsit, you are often looked down on by the good guys for your ugly/monstrous appearance, even if they try to be nice to you. You resent their scorn and distrust, and you resent their pity and kindness, but still find yourself drawn to their company. You may prefer to follow them from a distance and sleep on the outskirts of their camp. You constantly struggle with where your loyalites lie and laugh at the hero for trusting you, yet you feel uncomfortably enticed by that honor. You grow slightly more honorable in your own way as the story developes, and whether or not you ultimately choose the side of good, you do prove usefull to the forces of good. Because of your dubious association with them, you may be rejected by your former comrads and master if you attempt to go back to them, and find yourself in an awkward in-between place, not really belonging in either group. You may reluctantly try to change your heart so as to be accepted by the only side now left open to you. You may find yourself swept up in a dual life just going with whatever circumstances happen to be favorable, doing things with a half intent to help both sides and then going with whichever side ends up actually benefiting from your deeds. It is often your fate to die in action with your true motives never actually known. If you do survive the climax, you still may not be sure whose side you were really rooting for and tend to accept the honor and inclusion of the good guys with uncomfortable sheepishness.

The Hero’s Valet
Whether you were officially assigned to look after the main character, or you assigned yourself, you are most in tune with his needs, stick close to his side, and serve him in whatever ways you can. You offer a listening ear, and a hand up out of the mud. You’re always there for him, even if he is in disfavor with other members of the group. You know destiny didn’t choose you for stardom, and you’re fine with that. You aren’t even necessarily commited to the quest, because your first priority is your friend/master and your place is at his side, wherever that may be -you’re only here because he is. You may seem strangely more worried about small practical matters like what’s for dinner and how do we fix a broken daggar, than with the big picture. Though your devotion is directed mainly toward the hero, the rest of the party benefits from your nurse-maidly tendancies. You often volunteer to do the dirty routine jobs, making food, setting up camp, finding water, mending things, covering up tracks, and oher such details, leaving everyone else free to think about or discuss more important matters. You find genuine joy and fullfillment in serving others and supporting them. You tend to be a bit more suspicious of other travelers on the road, tavern keepers, Wizards, and Whatsits. When something is too good to be true, it’s usually your protective mother-bear instincts that cause you to be the one to realise there is hidden danger, or to take the extra precaution of checking out a would-be helper’s credentials. You may not ever do any great deeds yourself, but your bravery in sticking by the hero is outstanding, and everyone knows he couldn’t have done it all without you.

The Intelligent Pet
You are a combination of the Whatsit and the Valet. You are faithfull, comforting, and helpfull. You are only here because your master is here, otherwise you’d be off living a quiet animal life in the woods. You have an intuitive connection with your master, and though you probably don’t actually speak, and can’t comprehend abstract conversations, you have a way of knowing exactly what people need, and volunteer your unique animal talents to get it. Whether it’s sniffing out good or bad-guys, finding food, fetching things from hard to reach places, sneeking through the enemy ranks unsuspected, sensing danger, or fighting tooth and claw, you posses advantages that humanoids may not be capable of. Unlike the whatsit, you know exactly what you are, what your good at, and what your place is, and you faithfully follow your master through every trial, taking action on his behalf when he’s in need, and providing a sense of homely comfort when he feels alone. Empathetic, often brave, and sometimes comical no one really blames you if you do cause trouble. You may be anything from a warhorse to a squirrel to a bird to glowing pixie.

The Good Fairy
Although you seem to hold a place outside the world, disconnected from the troubles and wars that plauge mortals, you have a kind and good heart and can’t resist stepping in to help just when the bad guys seem to be winning. You don’t often help through direct involvement, however, and no one seems to expect you to. Instead you are usually ready to provide the haggared heroes with a bit of well deserved R&R, a quick escape, a secret hide-out, information, equipment, or secrets they need to accomplish their goal, healing of wounds, and always a lift in spirits. You like to help and encourage others, and love to interfere with the bad guy’s plans. You are the unexpected ally that turns the tables in the darkest hour when everyone else has nothing left to give - that’s when you appear. Whether genuinely interested in the heroes, or merely playing pranks on the bad guy, you always take the side of good, intervening in unexpected ways, usually without a sense of danger to yourself - something which can be both reassuring and annoying to those who have to continue with the adventure. You can’t solve everyone’s problems with one swish of a wand or blink of an eye, but you do have some extraordinary things to offer. You are not ambitious with your powers, prefering to stick to your own happy realm with your fellow Fairies. You have great insight and wisdom, and while you guard your own secrets well, you are more forthcoming than Wizards because you are better at understanding the needs and perspective of mortals, and because you can hardly be intruded upon when you don’t want to be. In spite of prefering to stay reclusive and aloof in your own little world, when someone is in need you are very hospitable and love to entertain your guests with elaborate feasts, beautifull music and soft beds. You always seem to have on hand whatever the heroes need, even if it’s something they thought they’d hopelessly lost, and are happy to refurbish them for the coming journey. Greater than any of your gifts, however, is the hope you rekindle in their hearts. You excell at healing wounds of both body and heart. Even though you aren’t as integrally involved in the ongoing plot as a Wizard, often appearing only once, you leave the heroes with a sense of being cared for where wizards may seem to neglect them, because you share not only wisdom and power, but empathy, intuitively knowing how each person feels, and what he needs to be rejuvinated.

The Trickster
You’re not on anybody’s side. You are completely independant and don’t need anyone’s help, friendship, or patronage. Life is all a game to you and you never feel threatened or needy, but enjoy laughing at everyone else who does take a serious approach to life. You are clever and emotionally detached, and find no greater joy than toying with others plans and emotions. You love to throw a wrench in things, and are amused by people’s reactions and desperate attempts to regain conrtoll. You have no sympathy for the plights of others. You are, essentially, the force of chaos. You love to taunt people with hope, while exacting ridiculous prices for your help. You like to force people to make terrible choices, and you openly laugh at their distress. You never take threats seriously, and there is very little that you want with which others can bribe you into cooperation. You probably have exceptionally strong powers but you never let others tell you how to use them. Even if you do agree to help, it’s always in your own style and timing, and usually with your own exasperating twist thrown in. You purposefully take people litterally and fake misunderstanding. You can change emotion at the drop of a hat from simpering sweet to raging wrath to loosing all interest entirely. You harrass and goad people, have your laugh, and then disappear. You are often very good at causeing misperception, even on the massive scale of throwing people into a dreamworld where their senses are entirely controlled by you. You relish making people feel helpless in your grasp. You insist people play your little games with you, and either fly off the handle, or get bored and leave (without fixing the mess you made) when they don’t react the way you want them to. You don’t ever forget promises made to you or by you, but have no problem re-interpreting your words so that you can break your promise. However you are very impatient when it comes to others fulfilling their word to you, and pester them long before they’ve had time to accomplish their end of the bargain. You may provide very necessary help, but everyone questions whether the price of dealing with you was really worth it.

The Miser
You posess a wealth of knowlege or treasures which you keep locked away with you in your secret home. You don’t like to get involved in the wars and issues that concern the rest of the world, your only concern is for yourself, and if your treasure is knowlege your interest in it is purely trivial, you’d never dream of stooping to involve yourself. Extreemly reclusive, you hate being intruded upon by people who always seem to want something you have. No matter how trivial, you don’t like parting with anything, and always drive a hard bargain. You tend to waste a lot of time in the plot, first being hard to locate and keeping people out, then skirting around their requests and being grumpy and snippish or demanding lengthy decorum, and finally with haggeling out the exchange of your goods or information. It’s not that you actually try to hinder the quest, but you view everything in such a detached manner that you are simply unconcerned. You like to think yourself impervious to threats, but you do have weaknesses which, if discovered, will turn you into resentfully putty in anyone’s hands. You make a big show of not being enticed by any bribes when they are first offered, but you have an insatiable greed that eats away at you untill you have obtained the things you lust for, and in the end you can always be talked into an exchange for something that you’ve been itching to get your hands on. As soon as the main characters are out of your hair, you go back to minding your own business.

The Lady in Waiting
Your true love is off on adventures while you wait at home hoping for his safe return. You are most likely happy and stable, living in a favorable environment. For the most part you enjoy womenly ways and are content to let others go out and face the riggors of a quest. You take joy in making talismans, clothes, and food to send with your beloved to help keep him safe and well on the road. If you have a way to communicate from afar you send him your love and vote of confidence whenever you can. Other characters are likely to hear all about your beauty and virtues from your lover. While he’s away, there may be others who are keen on stealing your heart, but you remain faithfull and hopefull that your true love will return. Even when everyone else has given up hope, you know in your heart that he is still alive and you stubbornly wait for him. Although it is unlikely for you to become too involved in the plot, there is a chance that you may decide that you have to overcome your apprehension and inexperience and go after your love, perhaps because you learn or find something that is vital to his quest or survival, or because you hear he is captured and your worry for him drives you to take action. In that case everyone thinks you’re crazy, and so do you, but you struggle on, and worm your way determinedly into the adventure. It’s clear that you are delicate and womanly, and you probably rely a lot on the assistance of others, but you also prove you have a very brave and determined heart. You take amazing risks to eventually find or free your love, after which point you quickly return to your role of loving supportive dependant, being quite drained from being in your momma-bear mode. It is possible that instead of a young maiden, you may be a widow with a son that you await or must rescue.

The Tag-a-long
You are most likely inexperienced, at least in certain realms, and may have a tendancy to not take things seriously enough. You are very determined and tend to be one of those people who just doesn’t understand when no means no. You tend to be over-confident in your assumption that people will want you join them as well as your ability to help, or of the importance of your reason for wanting to come along. You meet up with the main characters through chance, but as soon as you lay eyes on them you know they are the key to whatever it is you desire, and you determine to join them. It may be that you are eager to help others, or it may be that you are fascinated by glory and adventure and want your chance at it, or it may be that you desire the training of one of the main characters. It is also likely that you have a personal quest which you feel lines up with their’s and you’d rather travel together and use them as a means to accomplishing your goal which would otherwise have seemed impossible. Whatever the case may be, you latch onto one or more of the main characters and nothing they do or say can discourage you from following them. Even when circumstances turn ugly and they assume you’ll give up, you remain determined as ever. You do your best to ingratiate yourself with them, and may eventually be admitted to the group, probably after rendering some chance service. It is likely that you will be instrumental in some escape because you were missed by the bad-guys on account of straggling behind, and to the surprise of the heros you come after them and find a means of rescue. In the beginning you probably have less interest in the quest than you do in yourself, but as time goes on you begin to form a deeper commitment to your companions and thus to seeing their goal accomplished.

Saturday, September 4, 2010



Are they have a mixed linneage or species? If so, what might this entail physically and socially?


How old are they in years? And relatively what age group does that ammount to?

Do they look their age? Or do they look older or younger?

How normal/average, or abnormal are they? and how much are they percieved to be?

Hair Color, and any peculiarity or changability

Hair Type (straight, fine, coarse, kinkley, curly, wavey, frizzy, dry, oily, slippery, stickey, ragged, tangley, thick, thin, sparce, gravety-defying)

Hair Length

Hair Line (high forehead, low forehead, widows peak, balding, etc.)

Whispies around the face or back of neck?

Parts and Cowlicks

Bangs or no?

Hair Styles

Hair Care Routine

Past hairdos

Notable hair accessories, hats, or other headpieces which are characteristic of this person

Eye Color & does this ever change, either for real or in people’s perception

Eye shape (round, ‘almond’, large, small, sticking out slightly, deep set, wide set, close together)

Any glasses or other eye-gear ? (cyborg eye, monacle, coloured contacts, habitual shades)

Is their sight particularly good or bad, and in what circumstances?

Any extraordinary sight abilities (through walls, behind them, ghosts, invisible things)

Squinting, watery eyes, or one that is weak?

Do their eyes get watery, or sensitive?

Lazy eye? or ability to move one eye independantly

Can they cross their eyes?

Are they good at seeing those optical illlusion things?

Are they masters of the Look of Death? (figuratively or Literally)

Are they masters of the ‘Puppy eyes’?

Do their eyes betray their “poker face” or are their eyes hard to read?

Any other particularly sharp or dull senses?

Any ESP of some kind? how does this affect their other senses, or their character in general?

Skin Tone (blueish undertones, yellowish undertones, reddish undertones, greenish undertones, very light, light, medium, dark, very dark)

Complexion (acne, easily burned, dry, tanned, leathery, smooth, easily turns red, pale, healthy, rosey, yellowed)

Notable non-head-hair or furr or lack thereof

Freckles, Moles, or Birthmarks

Other Distinguishing Marks (scars, streaks in hair, tattoos, piercings, make-up, war paint, discoloration, etc.)

Does their skin fit well, or is it kind of loose or wrinkly?

When embarrased or stressed what physical signs are there if any
(such as get red in the face or ears, sweat a lot, twitchy muscle, stammering, etc.)


Facial Hair or whiskers

Eyebrows or antenna (thick, thin, unibrow, sparce, straight, well shaped, etc.)

Ears (small, lage, pointy, sticking out from head, earlobes that curve up before connecting to the head, or angle straight to the side of the head, always have a pencil tucked behind one, etc.)

Nose (large, small, turned up, turned down, straight, bump in middle, nose hairs, wide nostrils, narrow nostrils, particularly uneven-shaped nostrils, starts above between or below the eyes, rounded, pointy, bulbous, ‘roman’ ‘pug’ ‘hawk’ etc.)

Mouth (wide, small, thick or narrow lips, teeth always showing from short upper lip, corners turned up or down, etc.)

Teeth (white, yellow, capped, even, gaps, average, snaglled, pronounced canines, prone to cavities, etc.)

Chin & Jawbone (short, long, pointy, rounded, narrow, ‘weak,’ curving out, hard & pronounced, wide & square, chin crease or dimple etc.)

Neck (skinny, thick, long, short, pronounced adam’s apple, hunched at the nape, pronounced collar bones, curved or angled forward, sraight as a board, etc.)

Cheeks & overall Facial Shape (round, gaunt, high cheeks, heart shaped, oval, rectangular, dimples, puffy, soft & childlike, broad, narrow, long, short, wrinkles, laughlines when they smile, etc.)

Profile (is the forehead on the same or different planes from the chin, do the lips stick out noticably, does the lower lip and the chin create a notable crecent, do they look notably different in profile than face on? Prettier? Plainer? nose more pronounced that in front view, one side of face noticably different than the other? )

Perceived as good looking, average, or not?

Thinks self to be good looking, average, or not?

Most used facial expressions

Are they percieved primarily as: Solumn, Smug, Excited, Dreamy, Sullen, Friendly, Harsh, Loud, Fussy, Aloof, Brash, etc.

Height - and how it compares to others of their race

Cultural expectations regarding their height

Body Type: (triangle, upside-down triangle, hourglass, circle, oval, rectangular, short body, long body, high or low waisted, short or long legs and arms, lanky, sturdy, pudgy, soft, lean & wirey, aluring, athletic, barrel chested, flat chested or well endowed, arm fat distributed near shoulder or near elbow, smooth curves, lumpy curves, angular, boney, proportionate or not proportionate, flat across or round etc.)

Any Extra Apendages (wings, tails, fins, third arms, siamese twins)

Weight - and how does this compare to average?

Posture Standing (upright, slouching, slightly angled forward, slightly angled back, hunched back, shoulders curling in, shoulders back, head looking more toward grouwn, head held more erect, tense, serene, bored, exaggerated, more open, more closed, weight on one hip or another, arms cossed, hands in pockets, arms behind back, arms in random positions, etc.)

Posture Sitting (open legs, lolling, indian style, cross legged, cossed ankles, legs stretched out, legs perpendicular to the floor, toes folded back, soles on the ground, legs together, legs bent to one side, sits on feet, leans back, leans to the side, back straight up, supports head with hands, hands in pockets, hands in lap, arms spread and hands resting wherever, elbows out hands slightly raised meeting in front of their chest or face)

Posture Sleeping (on back relatively straight, on back spready out legs open arms willy nilly, on side relatively straight or stretched out, on back with legs bent up, on side curled up in a ball, half on side half on back, half on side half on stomach bottom arm and leg ourstretched, top arm and leg bent, on stomache face planted in pillow arms around pillow, on stomach sprawling, on stomach straight)

Gait & Stride (bouncy, lilting, determined, limping, long, rapid, gracefull, shuffling, heal first, toe first, silent, pounding, walks straight or tends to meander side to side or turn circles, etc.)

Tends to sit whenever possible, or likes to stand a lot.

Feet (lage, small, size shoe, square toes, pointy toes, stiff, flexible, bare, odd toes, toes turned inwards, toes angled outwards, only one foot angled, flat feet, calouses, etc.)

Hands (dry, moist, strong, soft, limp, cold, warm, firm, broad, slender, gracefull, double jointed, all fingers intact? boney, calloused, short or long nails, short finger segments? short or long over-the-skin portion of the nail, large or small hands)

Legs (skinny, shapely, knobbly knees, thick, long, short, etc.)

Do they feel self-concious about any of their features?

Do they suffer teasing, ridicule, or the wrong expectations because of any of their features?